Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers
We are delighted to present you with this toolkit and accompanying appendix and checklist so that we can work together [Continue Reading]
European Intersex Visibility Works!
We are delighted to present you with this toolkit and accompanying appendix and checklist so that we can work together [Continue Reading]
2015 has been a year of great successes for intersex activists in Europe and beyond. But of course, much more [Continue Reading]
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives [Continue Reading]
Download zip (size apprx. 4.5 MB) contains 8 printable pdf’s in following formats: 320 X 240 mm Din A4 Din [Continue Reading]
We are a charitable organization registered in Berlin, Germany.
OII Europe
GSG Höfe
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
Gebäude 7, Aufgang A
10587 Berlin
Court of Registration: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registration-#: VR 34983 B