Testimonials in Europe
#MyIntersexStory Read our 108-pages strong brochure “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by [Continue Reading]
European Intersex Visibility Works!
Our Stories - Intersex Stories - Hermstories...Li Europan lingues es membres del sam familie. Lor separat existentie es un myth. Por scientie, musica, sport etc, litot Europa usa li sam vocabular. Li lingues differe solmen in li grammatica, li pronunciation e li plu commun vocabules. Omnicos directe al desirabilite de un nov lingua franca: On refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. At solmen va
#MyIntersexStory Read our 108-pages strong brochure “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by [Continue Reading]
This video was created during OII Europe’s Second Intersex Community Event and Conference in Copenhagen in February 2018. Text by [Continue Reading]
We are a charitable organization registered in Berlin, Germany.
OII Europe
GSG Höfe
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
Gebäude 7, Aufgang A
10587 Berlin
Court of Registration: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registration-#: VR 34983 B